Fungus Clear treats a variety of fungus and bacteria related conditions on ornamental pond fish. Conditions include cotton fungus (columanis) red streaks in fins and body (hemorrhagic septicaemia), grey body slime (costiasis), fish bloat (dropsy), gill disease, fin and tail rot, cloudy eyes and swim bladder disease. Fungus can be identified as a whit or grey cottony growth or patches on parts of the fish. Tail, fin or mouth rot can be identified as flesh eaten away around the mouth, tail or fin or just redness at base of tail, fin or mouth. Hemorrhagic Septiccaemia is red streaks on the tail fins or on the body with no sign of skin damage, clamped fins are held close to the body. If the fish is bloated with scales standing out resembling a pinecone it is a sign of dropsy.
Treats 70 000 liters or 2-day treatments for 52 000 liters.
1 x Fungus Clear 1L
What’s in the box
1 x Pond Medic Fungus Clear 1L
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