The Arduino Ultimate Starter kit is a cost-effective STEM education electronic kit that includes a Type-C development Board, RGB LED, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, 180 Degree 9G Servo, DHT11 Sensor, PS2 Joystick Axis Sensors and more.
The kit is suitable for beginners to learn programming.
Note: The Uno R3 development board is not manufactured or supplied by Arduino (it is manufactured to the same specifications as the Arduino board).
What’s in the box
Package includes:
TYPE-C development Board
ProtoShield Shield With Mini BreadBoard
RGB LED common cathode
LDR 5516 Photoresistor
Capacitor 10UF 50V/100UF 50V
Thermistor 10k
1N4007 Rectifier Diode
Button Switch 6x6x5mm
Passive Buzzer
Active Buzzer
SW520D Vibration Sensor
180 Degree 9G Servo
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
4x 4 matrix keyboard
DHT11 Sensor Module
PS2 Joystick Axis Sensor
IR receiver
Infrared Remote Control Module
MAX7219 8×8 Matrix LED Module
MPU6050 Gyroscope Acceleration Module
HC-SR501 PIR Sensor Module
Water Level Sensor
DS3231 AT24C32 RTC Clock Module
Sound Sensor Module
RC522 RFID Module
LCD1602 Module(with solder pins)
IC 74HC595N
IC L293D
LED green/Blue/Red/Yellow(5pcs/each)
830 Breadboard
MB102 Power Supply Module
65Pcs Jumper Wire
Stepper Motor with UNL2003 Driver
0.56inch 4 Digital LED Display
0.56inch 1 Digital LED Display
40Pin 20cm FFMM MFJumper Wire
9V Battery connector
Rotary Encoder Sensor Module
5V DC Motor
70MM Soft Leaf Fan
PT10-2-M Potentiometer 10K
5V Relay
Type-C USB cable
10R ~1M Metal Film Resistor
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