Bharath Darshan incense sticks are handcrafted in India since 1970 using ethical, eco-friendly, and child labor-free methods.
Copal Resin has been used in many indigenous cultures throughout Mexico and Central and South American for thousands of years. It is traditionally used in ceremony for energetic protection, prayer, offering, cleansing and purification, and transmuting negative energy into positive, creative energy. Today it’s wonderfully calming, soothing scent is used for many other purposes, including smudging, aiding in deeper meditation, and assisting positive intentions into reality.
Quantity:18 stick pack
What’s in the box
1 x Bharath Darshan Incense Sticks 6 Pack
DISCLAIMER: The use of this product should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new wellness regimen.
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