Cooks everything your braai can and 1001 things more!
Blackstone aims to bring family and friends together with the market's most efficient and functional outdoor gear.
A whole new outdoor cooking experience awaits you with this 28″” (71cm) Griddle Cooking Station, includes a hose and regulator.
Versatility like you've never seen before; you can cook breakfast, lunch and dinner with your flat-top grill.
Featuring two independent burners that pump out 10.3 kW, a side shelf for extra prep space, and our patented rear grease management system.
This griddle is the perfect, portable addition to your outdoor kitchen.
Enjoy restaurant quality food at home, while camping, or tailgating.
From breakfast foods to stir fry and to smash burgers, you’ll love cooking everything on your Blackstone Griddle.
Featuring our patented rear grease management system for an easy clean up. It’s everything you need and more.
Food is better on a Blackstone!
Cooks everything your braai can and 1001 things more!
BETTER COOKING EXPERIENCE: Blackstone's high-quality, versatile, and innovative griddles make them the best in the outdoor griddle industry
COOK FOR A CROWD: Whether you are cooking for a large or small group this griddle is equipped to handle the load. Enjoy restaurant quality food at home or while camping. Includes a side shelf for extra prep space. The 73x46cm (335cm2) cooking surface can easily feed 2-8 people with restaurant quality food.
VERSATILE COOKING: Make a variety of foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on this griddle top. Whether you are in the mood for traditional barbecue, breakfast foods, or gourmet grilled cheese you can make it on your griddle. Satisfy a craving for hamburgers, fish, hashbrowns, pancakes, eggs, bacon, veggies, and so much more.
POWERFUL BURNER FOR EVEN HEATING: Featuring two independently controlled H-style burners that pump out a combines 35,000 BTU's, so the temperature stays nice and hot even after adding a lot of food. You can cook on lower heat on one side of the griddle while another part of your meal cooks on a higher heat on the other side. Consistent heating ensures that there are no hot or cold spots.
INNOVATIVE GREASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: If you plan on cooking fatty or juicy meat, clean up can be tedious. Luckily, our flat top griddle features an industry leading rear grease trap that collects all the mess and makes after-cooking clean up a breeze.
INCLUDES: Bullnose regulator and hose. Suitable for use with – 9kg to 48kg cylinders with 5/8″ BSP (G5/8) Left Hand Thread
Technical Specifications
Type: H-Style Burner, 28″” Griddle
Cooking Area: 73x46cm (335cm2) cooking surface
Ignition Type: Auto ignition
Power Source: LPG Gas (Not included)
Warranty: 1 Year
LPGSA Certified
Safety Approval: In Accordance With: SANS 1539, SANS 1237, SANS 1156
Assembled Dimensions: 62.94cm (D) x 93.62cm (H ) x 113.46cm (L)
Assembled Weight: 31.78kg
Shipping Dimensions: 82.55cm (D) x 33.02cm (H) x 52.70cm (L)
Shipping Weight: 39.49kg
What’s in the box
1 x Blackstone Griddle Unit
1 x Bullnose Regulator and hose
1 x Instruction Manual
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