– Always Use Gloves
– Mix Powder and Bleach 1 to 1 ratio
– Section the hair into four quadrants in order to neatly apply product. You’ll also want to apply the bleach to smaller segments within each section to ensure you’re fully saturating the hair.
– Then, apply bleach 1 inch away from the scalp, and work down the hair section. It’s important not to start at the scalp, as it processes quicker from body heat. Once the rest of the hair is done, go back and apply bleach to the roots.
– Let bleach process between 20-45 minutes, depending on your hair color, desired results, and package directions.
– When the timer goes off, shampoo immediately and thoroughly
What’s in the box
1 x Bleach Powder 500g
1 x Peroxide 30 Vol 9% 1L
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