This multipurpose waterproof picnic blanket is perfect for your outdoor adventures! Some of its uses, Beach towel mats, waterproof fabric, camping tarps, play mats, festival accessories, and camping accessories – just To name a few, it can be used as a makeshift shelter from the rain (rainfly) or simply as a survival kit and camping gear to keep around.
Compact, lightweight and durable Your ideal outdoor gear, travel supplies and camping gear. This lightweight pocket blanket folds to fit snugly in your palm. Hook it into your backpack, throw it away in your bag or keep it in your car – you never know when it will come in handy! Open this packable beach mat/camping blanket and use it while at a concert, festival, camp, park, in your garden, or anywhere outside!
Waterproof Puncture Resistant and Sand Proof The unique fabric of this waterproof (moisture-proof) blanket is extremely durable and puncture-resistant – a perfect accessory for your adventures in the wild! An outdoor mat, sand-proof beach blanket or waterproof lined picnic blanket This multipurpose outdoor mat is for you.
Ideal size 200 Ã 210 cm / This waterproof travel blanket is easy to fold and easy to use! Pocket loops in each corner are ready for camping stakes. The beach mat was designed to Fit 4 people comfortably but can fit in. Up to 6 people are perfect gifts – get them as gifts for women or cool gadgets for men!
Matching Accessories – The outdoor blanket comes with a matching coloured bag and carabiner.
extra large beach blanket
Material: polyester and PU coating
Size: 220 x 180cm
Cleaning method: machine wash
Product weight: 0.3 kg
Features: portable and foldable, sunshade, waterproof and sand proof, outdoor emergency pad.
What’s in the box
4 x Peg
1 x Beach Blanket
1 x mat bag
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