A Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise device to prepare for the giving of birth. EPI-NO Delphine Preparing Your Birth
A team of gynaecologists, midwives and pregnant women developed the EPI-NO pelvic floor muscle exerciser. The EPI-NO Delphine is a pre-birth and after-birth exercise that help you to regenerate your pelvic floor muscles to their previous state.
EPI-NO Preparing Your Birth…
– Clinical trials show a significant reduction of perineal injury in vaginal births.
– Second stage of labour is considerably reduced which lessens the stress for both mother and child.
– Less analgesic medication is required.
– Regular exercise reduces anxiety and enhances your self-confidence.
– You will learn to simulate natural delivery.
What’s in the box
– Anatomically Shaped Inflatable Silicone Balloon
– Handpump
– Air Release Valve
– Connecting Tube
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