The Kit is Contained inside of a white Steel Metal Box (45x30x12cm)
Cotton Wool 100gx1
Gloves Levtex x4
CPR Mouthpiece x1
Burnshield 10cmx10cm x2
Burnshield 20cmx20cm x2
Burnshield Blanket 60cmx40cm x2
Cetrimide 1% Wound Cleaner 100ml x1
Space Blanket(Rescue)2m x1m x1
PVP Ointment 25g x1
First Aid Scissorsx1
Eye bath x1
eye gene x3
Tweezer metal x1
Safety pins Bunch of 12Ã1
Trauma dressing pads 100x100mm x2
Trauma dressing pads 100x200mm x2
FAD no3-75mm x100mm x3
FAD no5-150mmx200mmx3
EAB 2.5mx3 x1
Triangular Bandage Disposalble x2
Paper Tape 25mmx3m x1,
Gauze swaps-75mmx75mm (5)x2
Instant Ice Pack- Disposable x1
Sterile Eyepads 6x8cm x2
Plaster strips (50)x1,
Conform Bandage 75mm x2m x5
Green splints Interlockingx2
Pencil hbx1
book a5x1
What’s in the box
1x Family & Home First Aid Kit
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