Our high-quality faux leather multicoloured 4pc handbag set is made from high-quality PU leather with great attention to detail – see pictures. The handbag is medium-sized and big enough to hold daily essentials such as a power bank, wallet, phone, makeup accessories, keys and so on. It has two inner pouches and two zipped compartments inside. The clutch bag is a decent size with a magnetic button to open and close easily, suitable for holding makeup brushes and other select items. It also includes a handy purse and wallet holder. One adjustable shoulder strap is included which can be used with either the main bag or clutch. A perfect affordable and trendy matching handbag set to compliment your office outfit or for a casual outing.
– Material: Material: Faux / PU leather
– Handbag, Clutch bag, Purse, Card holder, Adjustable shoulder strap
*Accessories not included
What’s in the box
1 x Handbag
1 x Clutch bag
1 x Purse
1 x Card holder
1 x Adjustable shoulder strap
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