Foot & Boot is an effective antifungal footcare product, that also sanitises and deodorises both feet and shoes. Designed with our physically active lifestyles and work environments in mind, applying Foot & Boot is easy and safe to do, allowing treatment of both the foot and the shoe simultaneously.
Formulated as a dry application, with a unique combination of natural pure essential oils. These oils together become a powerful product for the treatment of foot fungus, bacterial infection, swelling and bruised feet.
– The product is highly effective in the healing of infections due to bacterial and organic fungi, such as Athletes Foot (tinea pedis).
– It is also remarkably effective when used as a preventative application.
– The product can be applied in various conditions, including high humidity and wet conditions.
– Once applied, Foot & Boot starts to sanitise the foot and sock and/or shoe, removing odours and leaving your feet feeling fresh and cool whilst wearing your shoes or boots.
– A practical method for sanitising your feet from exposure to germs, fungi and bacteria obtained in public or communual spaces.
Foot & Boot is designed to be applied to the insoles of the shoe or sock, just prior to dressing the sock and wearing the shoe. The active ingredients are then activated whilst the shoe is worn, sanitising, healing, and deodorising your feet, providing all round foot and shoe protection.
What’s in the box
4 x 120ml Foot & Boot – Antifungal Foot and Shoe Deodoriser Spray
DISCLAIMER: This product may be a complementary medicine and/or not have been evaluated and verified by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for its quality, safety or intended use. Use of this product is therefore not intended to compensate for diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of medical conditions and must not substitute the obtaining of medical advice from a registered health professional for any health or health-related conditions.
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