4-In-1 Ultimate Outdoor Pump Ever
Lighten up your outdoor gear! MAX PUMP2 PRO weights only 160g, smaller than a can of coke. With its handy-size, you can easily put it in your pocket or backpack when you are not using it. The design of the top hanging ring, which allows you to string it on anything without a carabiner.
Pump Up Your Air Products In A Snap
Adopting the new AIRVORTECH technology for optimized structure and air ducts, MAX PUMP2 PRO can easily reach 300L/min of inflation airflow and up to 4.5kPa of inflation pressure with its tiny size.
Space-saving For Lifestyle
Same as other FLEXTAIL air pumps, MAX PUMP2 PRO remains to meet your deflate needs.In addition to deflate inflatable items, but also can be used with vacuum bags. It is much easier and faster to draw the air out of the vacuum bags, more powerful than a hand pump. No more worries about space, help you save more than 55% of the storage space in 30 seconds.
Ultra Brightness Lantern
MAX PUMP2 PRO, providing stepless dimming to better meet your different light brightness needs. With 500 lumens on high, it is rated to continuously last up to 12 hours at its high brightness, and 76 hours at the low brightness(50 lumens).
Emergency Power Supply
MAX PUMP2 PRO can be used as a power bank with one USB output port to charge your smartphone or mobile devices in emergency.
Design For Outdoor
Made of high-quality ABS housing and PC lampshade material to ensure durability and reliability.IP55 dust & water resistant to moderate rain and splash, deal with various outdoor environment. It’s a reliable companion in every adventure you go on.
MAX PUMP2 PRO can make a fire by blowing air and delivering oxygen faster, safely and efficiently.
What’s in the box
1 x Max Pump 2 Pro
5 x Nozzles
1 x USB Cable
1 x Storage Bag
1 x Manual
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