Naturally balanced premium nutrition with added essential vitamins and minerals for an enticingly delicious and highly digestible meal for small to large breed puppies.
Montego Classic Large Puppy Food is a premium formula designed to provide small to large breed puppies with everything they need to get a great start to a long and healthy life.
Growth – High-protein meal filled with essential amino acids and fatty acids to promote your puppy's growth.
Conditioning – Filled with essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fatty acids promote a healthy skin and coat.
Alertness – High levels of Omega- 3 fats from salmon oil to support healthy cardiac function & vision.
Agility – Glucosamine is a natural joint and cartilage growth enhancer which supports healthy joint growth for increased flexibility and agility.
Immune Support – Added Vitamin C and E to promote cellular health and a healthy immune system.
Digestion – Natural Prebiotics help to promote your puppy's digestive health.
What’s in the box
1 x Montego Classic Large breed Puppy
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