Phyto Pro Thrive Daily Protein offers you a source of complete protein that tastes great, supports a healthy body and a healthy planet and makes it easier to incorporate honest, clean nutrition into an active, busy lifestyle.
Phyto Pro Thrive Daily Protein is built on a foundation of 88% protein isolate, water-extracted from non-GMO peas grown and processed in the EU under strict environmental regulations. This means no unhealthy pesticide or fertiliser contamination from cultivation and no toxic chemical or heavy metal residue from extraction.
Our 88% pea protein isolate contains all the essential amino acids necessary for healthy tissue growth and repair in a uniquely alkalizing, non-inflammatory and easily assimilated form. It is complete in it s own right and does not need supplementary protein from other plant-based sources.
We only use whole foods for flavour – no fake flavours – and also no preservatives or artificial sweeteners.
What’s in the box
1 x Phyto Pro Thrive Vanilla Protein Shake – 1125g
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