Aichun Beauty Niacinamide Face Serum
Individual benefits include:
Minimizes pore appearance. Keeping skin smooth and moisturized, may have a secondary benefit – a natural reduction in pore size over time.
Regulates oil. The benefits of moisture retention aren’t just for those with dry skin types. Niacinamide can also help regulate the amount of oil the sebaceous glands produce and prevent your glands from going into overdrive.
Protects against sun damage. Niacinamide can concurrently rebuild healthy skin cells while also protecting them from damage caused by ultraviolet rays.
Treats hyperpigmentation. Some research has found 5 percent niacinamide concentrations can be helpful in lightening dark spots. Benefits were seen after four weeks, but not beyond two months. This benefit may be due to increased collagen production.
Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles. Research has also found that the same concentration was helpful in reducing some signs of sun damage that come with aging. This includes fine lines and wrinkles.
Protects against oxidative stress. Niacinamide helps build cells in the skin while also protecting them from environmental stresses, such as sunlight, pollution, and toxins.
Treats acne. Niacinamide may be helpful for severe acne, especially inflammatory forms like papules and pustules. Over time, you may see fewer lesions and improved skin texture.
JD Derma Roller System 540 -0,50MM
Why go to the salon and spend hundreds on a micro-needling session, when you can easily do it on your own and from home?
Maximize Your Skincare Regimen-Combine roller use with a quality skincare facial oils and serum. With only 0,5mm long needles, this is safe for at-home-use. It takes as little as 60 seconds to use
– Brightens dark spots (hyper-pigmentation) best results with Skin Glow Set
– Reduces lines and wrinkles
– Treats acne scarring
– Rejuvenates & plumps skin
– Speeds up hair growth on eyebrows and hairline
– Promote blood circulation and make your skin tight and elastic.
How To Use:
1.) Sterilise roller in alcohol solution before and after each use
2.) Wash and clean your face (or any other area you are using it)
3.) Apply serum on your skin before using it ( e.g. Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol) the needles work the product deep into your pores, so the product gets absorbed better & works faster.
4.) Apply soft pressure to your skin with the roller & always roll upwards and outwards. Rollback and forth vertically, horizontally and diagonally 5-6 times
5.) Use 2-3 times per week. Everyone has different skin, so you can determine your ideal frequency
6.) Optional: apply moisturiser or serum again after usage
What’s in the box
1x30ml Face serum
1x 540 Needle Derma Roller System 0,50MM
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