Salex Saline Sinus Rinse Kit
Salex SSR, once made up, contains the same ingredients at the same concentration as Salex Saline DropSpray and Salex Metered Spray, except it is preservative free. Using a saline rinse ensures the deep-penetrating decongestion of the nasal passages as well as the sinuses.
For many years the Buddhists have practiced nasal rinsing by using a saline solution and a little ceramic dispenser called a net pot that looks like a tea pot. Although Salex SSR has been developed for the treatment and prevention of extreme sinus conditions, it is also ideal for daily use to prevent allergen build-up and to clear out the sinuses. It is non-addictive, isotonic and does not induce drowsiness. Salex SSR is often used and recommended post operatively by ENTs for cleaning out the sinuses and removing any dried blood. Salex SSR is non-addictive and has been approved by Drug Free Sport SA for safe use by sports men and women. Salex SSR is safe for use during pregnancy and breast feeding. The product consists of an easy to assemble 200ml bottle and 60 sachets of special pharmaceutical grade salt.
There are three ways of administering Salex SSR saline rinse:
– Step 1: Simply dissolve a sachet into the unique irrigation bottle with cooled boiled water, or distilled water, lean over a basin and gently squeeze 100ml of isotonic saline rinse into one nostril. Keep your mouth and other nostril open for the solution to drain. Repeat the process with the other nostril. Discard all unused solution. For everyday chronic treatment of the common cold, sinusitis, rhinitis and hay fever conditions. It also helps to prevent snoring.
Step 2: Lie on your back on a bed or couch, tilt your head backwards (preferably below the level of the torso), and fill up either one or both nostrils with Salex SSR solution. Hold this position for a few minutes, hold a tissue to your nose, sit up and blow your nose gently.
Step 3: Kneel on the floor with your forehead touching the floor. Gently squirt Salex SSR solution up each nostril, sit up and blow your nose using a tissue.
– Contents: Sodium Chloride 0.72%. Preservative Free
– Pack Size:1 x 200ml bottle & 60 sachets
Packaging May Vary
What’s in the box
1 x Salex Saline Sinus Rinse Kit
DISCLAIMER: This product may be a complementary medicine and/or not have been evaluated and verified by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for its quality, safety or intended use. Use of this product is therefore not intended to compensate for diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of medical conditions and must not substitute the obtaining of medical advice from a registered health professional for any health or health-related conditions.
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