Function – pulling through multiple meridians, improving the body’s yang, fully stimulating the acupuncture points on the soles of the feet, detoxification of the whole body, helps to improve the body’s resistance, and helps the shaping of the waist and legs.
Reinforcement – the foot is the foundation of the human body, and the lacing plate opens your meridian.isunshine’s adjustable balance board helps to make your muscles more responsive during exercising.helps you stretch properly and reduce the chance of injury.not only helpful to stretching before or after work out, but also beneficial to the body recovery from foot and ankle injuries and pain.
Multiple gears to meet different needs – adjustable to 6 different positions, you have the options of differing degrees of mild to strong calf stretches,provide you with the best angle.from children to the elderly, you can adjust the gear according to different needs.
Solid and durable construction – a very popular alternative to the heavy wooden slant boards, this light-weighted foot slant board is ergonomically designed, and the triangular structure is reasonable, safe, and stable without shaking.small size can practice anytime and anywhere,is suitable and flexible for use in home, office, travel and indoor-outdoor exercise.
How to use – the soles of the feet are in tight contact with the inclined surface of the lacing plate. The waist should stand straight as far as possible. It can start from the inclination of the low angle and gradually stand on the slope of the lacing plate. The longer the time, the better the effect (generally 5-30 minute).
What’s in the box
1 x 1 Stretch Board, Lacing Board ,Pedal Stand Home Foldable Fitness
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