Alkaram FolliCare Hair Growth Capsules-60 Cap


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Alkaram Follicare capsules contain all natural herbal ingredients that may support natural hair growth and rich naturally in nutrients, vitamins and essential fatty acids that nourish hair follicles and strengthen hair strands from the roots

Brahmi contains active compounds that have been shown to promote scalp health. A healthy scalp is crucial for optimal hair growth. Stress is a common factor contributing to hair loss and impaired hair growth. Brahmi is known for its adaptogenic properties, which may help the body adapt to stress and reduce its harmful effects. By reducing stress levels, Brahmi may indirectly support healthy hair growth and minimize hair loss caused by stress-related factors. Brahmi contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, saponins, which help neutralize free radicals and protect hair follicles from oxidative damage. Oxidative stress can lead to premature hair aging, weakening of hair follicles, and hair loss. By providing antioxidant protection, Brahmi may help maintain the health and vitality of hair follicles. Brahmi contains compounds that have been shown to strengthen hair strands and prevent breakage.

Bhringraj is believed to stimulate hair follicles, encouraging new hair growth. It may help promote the anagen (growth) phase of the hair growth cycle, leading to thicker and longer hair strands. Bhringraj contains nutrients like vitamins E and D, minerals, and essential fatty acids that nourish hair follicles and strengthen hair strands from the roots. Bhringraj may help prevent premature graying of hair.
Bhringraj is believed to have hair-strengthening properties that may help reduce hair loss and breakage.

Fenugreek seeds are rich in proteins, nicotinic acid, and lecithin, which are believed to promote hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. Fenugreek seeds are rich in antioxidants and moisturizing properties that help condition and hydrate the hair, leaving it soft, smooth, and manageable. Fenugreek seeds contain compounds like diosgenin, which may help reduce hair shedding and prevent hair loss.

Amalaki also called Amla is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production, a protein that supports hair growth and strengthens hair follicles. Regular consumption of amla may help stimulate hair follicles, encouraging new hair growth. Amla is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C and flavonoids, which help protect hair follicles from damage caused by free radicals.

5-Gotu kola:
Gotu kola contains compounds known as triterpenoids, which have been shown to stimulate collagen production. Collagen is essential for maintaining the integrity of hair follicles and promoting hair growth. Gotu kola may help improve the overall health and resilience of the hair follicles, leading to stronger, healthier hair. Gotu kola has been traditionally used to treat hair loss and promote hair growth.

6- Saw palmetto:
Saw palmetto may benefit hair is by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone that is believed to contribute to hair loss in individuals with androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness). By blocking the production of DHT, saw palmetto may help prevent or slow down hair loss. Saw palmetto oil is rich in fatty acids, plant sterols, and other nutrients that help nourish the scalp and hair follicles.

7- Alfalfa:
Alfalfa is rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, magnesium, and iron. These nutrients play essential roles in maintaining overall health and may indirectly support healthy hair growth and maintenance. Alfalfa contains various bioactive compounds, including antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, that may help promote scalp health.
A healthy scalp is crucial for optimal hair growth and can help reduce issues such as dandruff, itching, and inflammation.

One capsule twice a day before meals ( Morning and Evening)

If pregnant or breastfeeding’s , consult your healthcare professional before use.

What’s in the box
1 x Alkaram FolliCare 60 Capsules

DISCLAIMER: This product may be a complementary medicine and/or not have been evaluated and verified by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for its quality, safety or intended use. Use of this product is therefore not intended to compensate for diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of medical conditions and must not substitute the obtaining of medical advice from a registered health professional for any health or health-related conditions.


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