Myotape Sensitive Adult Anti-Snoring & Breathing Sleeping Tape – 90 Pack – M


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x Please note that this tape is slightly less sticky than our usual tape.

Dimensions of Medium MyoTape: Overall size 43.5mm high x 60mm wide. Opening for the lips: 14mm high x 36.5mm wide.

Dimensions of Large MyoTape: Overall size 50mm high x 70mm wide. Opening for the lips: 16mm high x 40mm wide.

Colour: beige

Introducing MyoTape Nose Breathing For Sensitive Skin, specially designed for people with sensitive skin. Our revolutionary product significantly improves your sleep and overall health by enhancing nasal breathing, suppressing mouth diseases, and alleviating sleep apnoea symptoms. It even enhances the effectiveness of your CPAP device.

Experience the transformative benefits of MyoTape: improved sleep quality, increased concentration, improved dental health, and reduced risks associated with mouth breathing. It’s the optimal solution for supporting your wellbeing.

When used in conjunction with breathing excessive the tape will :

Prevent mouth snoring
Improve sleep apnea and support CPAP
Help focus, improve sleep quality and reduce fatigue
Reduce symptoms of asthma
Improve dental health
Reduce anxiety
Boost athletic performance and stamina

Prevent Mouth Snoring

Snoring causes broken sleep for you and your partner. Breathing through an open mouth exacerbates snoring as the airways become dehydrated and narrow. The excess air volume from over-breathing creates turbulence in the nose, mouth, and throat, causing an unpleasant and embarrassing noise that can make bedtime a nightmare.

By restoring light, calm, nasal breathing you can reduce snoring and sleep apnea symptoms, and access your nervous system’s relaxation mode1. It’s time to experience deeper, more restorative rest, and say “Goodnight” to broken sleep.

Improve Sleep Apnea and support CPAP

Sleep apnea can be hard to live with. As well as disrupting sleep, it’s known to cause or contribute to serious health problems, including anxiety, depression, cardiorespiratory illness, hypertension, dementia2, and even a higher risk of sudden cardiac death3. Mouth breathing is a significant factor in the onset and persistence of sleep apnea, and it can make the problem more difficult to treat.

Studies have shown that a high proportion of CPAP non-compliance is due to mouth breathing4. When the mouth is open, air simply escapes rather than reaching the airways. When the mouth remains closed, you get the most from your CPAP and are better able to sleep.

The common way to encourage nose breathing with CPAP is to use a chinstrap. These can be uncomfortable, and they aren’t always effective. MYOTAPE provides a simple, gentle way to restore nasal breathing and ensure optimum CPAP function all night long. You’ll experience fewer awakenings and wake up feeling refreshed.

Help Focus, Improve Sleep Quality, and Reduce Fatigue

When your sleep is disrupted, everything becomes a bit more difficult. You wake up feeling irritable, it’s hard to concentrate, productivity drops, and stress levels rise. Health is compromised, and there are serious practical concerns, for example tired drivers are much more likely to have an accident5. Hypnotic sleep aids can help, but they can be habit forming and cause nasty side effects – they aren’t ideal long term.

The slow, deep breathing that you experience when you breathe through the nose helps adequate oxygen to reach the brain so you can think more clearly. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, triggering relaxation and reducing the hyper-arousal associated with insomnia. Long-term, regular, healthy sleep stabilizes the nervous system, bringing the body and mind back to a calmer state. MYOTAPE supports functional breathing, helping you to put poor quality sleep to bed, once and for all.

Reduce Symptoms of Asthma
Asthma, rhinitis and inflammation go hand in hand, which is why so many people with respiratory illnesses experience nasal congestion. This creates a vicious cycle of mouth breathing, irritated airways, a blocked nose, and more mouth breathing.
Even if you don’t feel like your sleep is disturbed, if your nose is blocked because of allergies, asthma, or rhinitis, you are nearly twice as likely to experience moderate to severe sleep-disordered breathing.

If you have asthma, making the switch to nasal breathing can be life changing, with symptoms decreasing by as much as 50% within a fortnight. By using MYOTAPE to gently restore nasal breathing, you will experience a decrease in airway irritation and nocturnal asthma symptoms.

Why MyoTape?
Unlike other lip tapes, myotape does not cover the mouth. Instead, it gently surrounds the mouth, bringing the lips together with a light, elastic tension that helps to maintain lip closure and ensure nasal breathing.

Additional Benefits

Mouth breathing has been proven to cause tooth decay, gum disease and smelly breath. It’s easy to know if you slept with your mouth open because you’ll wake with dryness and a bad-taste. Saliva is important for digestion and helps keep the mouth moist, clean and pH neutral. So you see how important it is to keep your mouth closed!

MYOTAPE can help you maintain better dental health, fresh breath and a confident smile!

Nasal breathing activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which is a great way to lessen feelings of anxiety. It also corrects hyperventilation, which causes low levels of blood carbon dioxide – a known trigger for panic attacks8.

MYOTAPE can help you to enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep, so you feel in control of your day, whatever life throws at you.

When you exercise, the breath holds the key to optimum performance, functional movement and enhanced stamina. By restoring full time nasal breathing you will experience less breathlessness, better core strength and fewer injuries. You’ll also get more oxygen to your muscles, dilate your nose and lungs and reduce exercise-induced asthma.

When sleep is better, energy levels are higher, making it easier to reach your goals. Give MYOTAPE a try and wake up ready to hit the ground running.
What’s in the box

What’s in the box
90 x Strips

DISCLAIMER: This product may be a complementary medicine and/or not have been evaluated and verified by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for its quality, safety or intended use. Use of this product is therefore not intended to compensate for diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of medical conditions and must not substitute the obtaining of medical advice from a registered health professional for any health or health-related conditions.


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