Silene capensis African Dream Root, (Ubulawu) Undulata 10g


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Silene capensis, also known as African Dream Root or Ubulawu, is a sacred botanical treasure esteemed by South African shamans for its capacity to evoke vivid dreamscapes and establish connections with ancestral spirits. Handpicked by Sangomas from the verdant river valleys of the Eastern Cape, this elusive plant is revered for its dream-inducing properties attributed to triterpenoid saponins nestled within its roots.

Delicately prepared through two methods, one involving a morning ritual on an empty stomach and the other a frothy concoction before bedtime, Silene capensis promises a journey through brilliantly hued dream realms, ripe for exploration and divination.

However, care must be taken to adhere to recommended dosages to avoid any unwelcome purgative effects. Anecdotal accounts underscore the gradual buildup of its effects, offering a testament to the plant’s potency and reverence among those initiated into its mysteries.

Preparing Silene capensis, or Ubulawu, involves two distinct methods:

Grind the roots finer into a powder form for method 1 and method 2 to work to their full capacity.

Method 1: Mix half a teaspoon of the root powder with half a cup of water. Consume this mixture early in the morning upon waking, ensuring your stomach is empty. Breakfast can be enjoyed once hunger strikes.

Method 2: Combine a heaped tablespoon of the root powder with half a liter of water, blending until a froth forms. Consume the froth until you feel bloated, then proceed to bed.

Expected Results: During sleep, anticipate exceptionally vibrant dreams that will linger upon awakening. Keep a notebook close to record your experiences, as Ubulawu serves as a conduit to access dreamtime and commune with ancestors.

Precautions: Stick to recommended doses, as larger amounts may trigger purgative effects. While there have been no reports of fatalities or harmful side effects, exceeding the recommended dosage may induce vomiting and stomach cleansing. To optimize effects, consume the mixture on an empty stomach, allowing the active compounds to permeate your system before sleep. Before retiring, focus on a query you seek answers to from your ancestors, who may appear in your dreams with guidance.

Additional Insights: For individuals with heightened insensitivity or those with pre-existing compounds in their system, a gradual approach may be beneficial. Accumulation of these compounds over several days can enhance sensitivity. A personal account from an initiated sangoma suggests that effects may manifest from the third day of use, with the entire group experiencing effects over the course of a week.


  • Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief by David Winston and Steven Maimes (2007): This book provides insights into the traditional uses and adaptogenic properties of various herbs, including Silene capensis.

  • The Healing Wisdom of Africa: Finding Life Purpose Through Nature, Ritual, and Community by Malidoma Patrice Somé (1998): This book explores African traditional healing practices, including the use of herbs like Silene capensis for spiritual and dream purposes.

  • Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications by Christian Rätsch (2005): This comprehensive reference book delves into the ethnopharmacology of various psychoactive plants, offering information on Silene capensis and its traditional uses.

  • Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects edited by Iris F. F. Benzie and Sissi Wachtel-Galor (2011): This academic work provides scientific insights into the medicinal properties of various herbs, including potential health benefits associated with Silene capensis.

  • The Psychoactive Plants, Herbs, and Drugs Handbook by Ethnobotanica (2021): This handbook explores the psychoactive properties of various plants, including Silene capensis, and provides information on traditional uses.


  • Traditional Use: Silene capensis, or African Dream Root, has a long-standing tradition in Xhosa culture, used for its ability to induce vivid and lucid dreams. It is often consumed in spiritual rituals and dreamwork practices.

  • Dream Enhancement: The primary feature of Silene capensis is its reputed ability to enhance dreams, promoting vivid and memorable dream experiences. It is commonly used by those interested in lucid dreaming and shamanic journeys.

  • Natural and Organic: This product comes from natural sources, offering a plant-based approach to dream exploration. It’s free from synthetic additives or chemicals, providing a more organic experience for users.

  • Versatile Preparation: The 10-gram package of Silene capensis can be prepared in various ways, such as brewing into a tea, creating a tincture, or adding to other herbal concoctions, giving users flexibility in their approach to dream enhancement.

  • Potential for Insight: Beyond its dream-enhancing properties, Silene capensis is believed to offer potential spiritual insights and guidance through dreams. It is valued by those seeking a deeper connection to their inner selves and their subconscious mind.

What’s in the box
1 x Silene capensis African Dream Root, (Ubulawu) Undulata 10g

DISCLAIMER: This product may be a complementary medicine and/or not have been evaluated and verified by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority for its quality, safety or intended use. Use of this product is therefore not intended to compensate for diagnosis, treatment, cure, or mitigation of medical conditions and must not substitute the obtaining of medical advice from a registered health professional for any health or health-related conditions.


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